Bandar Killa
A famous game used to play in streets or play grounds is BANDAR QILLA. The stuff needed to play this game is a nail, pillar or a tree and a rope 3 to 4 feet long. 3 or more people can play this game. Joy and pleasure attached to the game is directly related to the number of participants, the game becomes even more interesting if greater number of players join it.

How to play Bandar Qilla
All the players play separately at their own turns and don’t form any team. The first turn is decided by PUGAN PUGAYEE before the game starts. (Pugan Pugayee is a kind of toss without coin, where three players at a time randomly places there hand face up or down. Out of three players one having odd hand face is considered as winner. This process continues with other players 3 at a time until only one remains, who could not win the toss). The person who loses the toss has the first turn and is called as BANDAR (Monkey – The looser).
A rope is tied tightly with the nail, pillar or tree named as QILLA and all the players put their shoes and CHAPPALS in a heap around it. The person, having current turn, is supposed to hold the rope and run around the nail in the circle for the protection of the shoes and Chappals. Rest of the players has to gather all the shoes and Chapplas without getting touched by Bandar. If the Bandar touches anyone, the turn switches. The player who is touched is new Bandar for the next turn and the game starts again from the beginning. But if the other players succeed to snatch all the shoes and Chappals from the Bandar then the player moving around the nail has to run for his life to the pre-decided point, far from the nail. While the Bandar is running to save his life, he was attacked by all others with those collected shoes and Chappals. When Bandar reaches to that pre-decided point the shoes firing stops and he is regarded in true sense as a Bandar (A Truly Looser). And the same person is again Bandar for the next turn. He has to get back to the nail and game starts again. He is the Bandar until he touches someone who is trying to snatch shoes and the game (Bandar Qilla) continues…