Kyrgyz Kurosh

The great oriental scientist and the creator of modern medicine science – Avicenna (Abu Ali Ibn Sina), who lived in the 10th century in Bukhara, writes that practising wrestling is the best way to keep the health of both body and spirit. In the XIV century Timur, one of the most prominent statesmen in history used wrestling in his army for physical training and self-defense. It’s well known that the army of Timur conquered half of the world and never had been beaten. According to scientific research, the age of wrestling is at least three and a half thousand years and one of the oldest martial arts the people had ever practised.

Kyrgyz Kurosh is an ancient type of wrestling which originated in the territory of modern Kyrgyzstan, but is now one of the popular games around the world. It was created out of the need for the self-defence of the people of that era. Kurosh is a Kyrgyz word that has two meanings: “Ky”-means strong, brave and the term osh, esh is explaining the struggle of two or more strong men. It is possible to organize competitions easily in the open air, and in the indoor halls on the wrestling mat. Athletes wear loose white trousers, leaving the upper body bare. They stand facing each other on a mat and hold each other’s belts with both hands, but may release one hand during the match. The person who can throw their opponent on their shoulder wins. Kyrgyz Kurosh Ethnosport has been included in the program of the World Nomad Games and other International Ethno Festivals etc.



In line with this, we introduced Kyrgyz Kurosh sports in Bangladesh for the first time in 2018 by achieving an affiliation certificate from The International Kyrgyz Kurosh Federation, Kyrgyzstan to attend the 3rd World Nomad Games-2018, which was held at Cholpon Ata beautiful city of Kyrgyzstan. In 2019 Bangladesh team took part in the Asian Kyrgyz Kurosh Championship, which was held at Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, from 26th to 28th November 2019, organized by the Kyrgyz Ministry of Youth and Sports & International Kyrgyz Kurosh Federation, Kyrgyzstan.