Tent Pegging
Tent Pegging is a popular sport played through the use of horses and pegs. To play this game, a person should be an expert horse rider.
Many professions include training sessions for the development of horse riding skills. For instance, military personnel train to ride a horse without any fear. Same is the case for the officers joining civil services. Many youngsters learn horse riding as a hobby too. In this article, we will provide an overview of the art of tent pegging.

For a long time, man and horse have had a close connection. This rapport has transformed with time. Man trained horses to perform specific moves too. This practice has given rise to various equestrian games: Eventing, Dressage and Jumping. Among these, one such equestrian sport is Tent Pegging.
Introduction to Tent Pegging
As the name itself suggests, it is a sport of cavalry where a horseman rides towards a target. Once the horseman gets close to the target, he pierces it using his lance or sword. He picks it up and carries the peg forward. This act continues till he carries the series of pegs placed on the track. The success lies in the timings of the complete act. The arm’s movement has to match with the movement of the horse. A slight lack of coordination would make you lose your target. The rider’s agility, timeliness, and intensity of the hit are important in this game.
Types of Tent Pegging
There are different types of tent pegging games:
Ring Jousting
It involves a series of suspended rings. The horse rider has to pass the weapon through it.
Lemon Sticking
The rider has to slice suspended lemons while riding the horse.
Quintain Tilting
A swaying mannequin is a target. The rider has to charge towards it and stab it.
Mounted Archery
Various targets are on the track. The rider has to target his weapon in the absolute center of the target.
A Short History of Tent Pegging
This game originated in Afghanistan. It came from the ancient approaches to warfare. Many theories elaborate on the origin of the game.
One such perspective considers Tent Pegging is a technique used by warriors. They learned this skill to attack the tents of their enemies. The horsemen would use their long swords to attack tents exposing the enemy hideouts.
Another view considers this sport as an exercise to sharpen your targets. In this way, the warriors are able to attack the elephant’s feet of the enemies at its weakest point. This in turn drives the elephants back towards their own army.